A Lackluster Uniform or the Foundation for Growth?

Brown Meaning Color and fashion Color Psychology Color Theory Fashion Trends

Brown: the color of stability and comfort

When I was 7 years old, I was a Brownie in the Girl Scouts. We had khaki brown uniforms that seemed very lackluster compared to the green Girl Scout uniforms you got as a 9-year-old. Oh, how I longed for the day that I would wear that colorful kelly green uniform. I don’t remember why, but sadly, I didn’t realize my dream of obtaining the green sash. Perhaps I was more concerned about the color of my garment than the badges I was supposed to be earning? Now, as I’m telling this story, it does make more sense as to why I didn’t graduate to the green.

Hundreds of years ago, bright colors were more expensive to produce so they were reserved for royalty and the wealthy, while earthy colors like brown and tan were worn by monks and peasants. Back in the day, brown evoked the thought of honest living, stability, comfort, and authenticity. Brown feels grounded and rooted because it is the ACUTAL color of dirt and wood. It can be rugged and outdoorsy or chic and sophisticated. It reminds me of old canvas tents and my grandfather’s work boots but it is also the color of imported chocolates, brown diamonds, and iconic Louis Vuitton handbags and luggage. There is a complexity and nuance to brown that we don’t often give it credit for.

My guess is a lot of us associate brown with things that aren’t very pretty like dead leaves, mud, or Brownie uniforms. These days I don’t just see plain old brown, I see camel, mahogany, and cognac, all classic, lush, and refined colors that go with everything. In my opinion, brown is a great alternative to black or white. I have switched to brown mascara because it is less harsh on me than black. If you don’t like the starkness of white, you might find beige or wheat to be a great alternative.

The right shade of brown paired with any color can be beautiful. It is the color of Thanksgiving and harvest which makes me think of brown suede jackets, boots, and Fall leaves. It is also the color of the desert, providing the perfect neutral backdrop for all the colorful blooming cactus and bright bougainvillea.

So, as we move into the coziness of Fall, let’s consider incorporating brown and its soothing energy into our wardrobe. It could be a brown cape that you can wrap around yourself like a big hug or, since we don’t have to wear the color to call in its energy, maybe it’s a soft cozy sweater that reminds you, you are grounded and secure.

Brown is, after all, the color of the earth, which is what new life emerges from in the Spring. Perhaps that is why Brownie’s wear a brown uniform to begin with, because it symbolizes the foundation from which a Girl Scout “grows”.



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